Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shot of the J Train at 111st Street on Jamaica Ave

I thought this shot looks geometrically or even mathematically beautiful. It was taken at the 111st subway where the "J" line operates on Jamaica Ave.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Filming of Dr. Yesu Persaud at Crown Plaza & Shots of Convention

This morning I was priviledged to have an interview with Dr. Yesu Persaud for the documentary at the Crown Plaza Hotel. I really appreciate him taking time off from his busy schedule to be filmed at such a short notice. He actually came for the GOPIO convention and I asked him if he wouldn't mind setting aside a some time for Project History.

My first impression of him was: What an amazingly humble person he is. I'm always blown over by people's humility. His ancestors' stories are very interesting and like all our ancestors, they too had to sacrifice so much for the betterment of their children.

I didn't quite finish the filming with him, since he had a flight to catch. Will continue it when we meet again. Safe journey home and thanks for agreeing to be part of Project History, Dr. Persaud.

1. Dr. Persaud and myself 2. Mr. Basdeo Pandey and Nohar Singh

3. Mr. C Bhat from India & another gentleman from Holland
(Sorry, I couldn't find the card with the name)

Photos of Ramayan in the Park in Richmond Hill, Queens

1. Organizers consulting 2. Lovely Parveen from Sanatan Dharma Mandir

3. Dr. Dhanpaul in discussion 4. Devotees sitting

Ramayan in the Park in Richmond Hill, Queens

The Federation of Hindu Mandirs (USA) Inc., has sponsored 7 sessions of discourses from the Ramcharitamanas, at 133rd Street & Liberty Avenue (Arya Spiritual Center Ground), Richmond Hill, Queeens. It's near Sybil's Bakery quarters.

It Starts: Sunday Aug 23rd 2009 @ 6 PM
It Ends: Sunday Aug 30th 2009 @ 6 PM

This Ramayan Discourse in open to the general public. Please pass on this invitation to your family and friends. Yajna or Spiritual discourses from the Ramayan is part of our rich heritage brought and passed on to us by our brave ancestors. Please show your support by attending each sessions. Make use to of this spiritual journey to help cleanse the wandering mind.

A huge tent is erected and chairs are organized for devotees to sit on (about 400 chairs - according to Dr. Dhanpaul Narine). So you avoid the hard ground.

Different outstanding pandits from the community will be leading the discourses from the Ramayan. They are:

Pt. Chunelall Narine; Pt. Mahendra Doobay; Pt. Shyam Basdeo; Pt. Rishi Ram Persaud; Pt. Rabindranath Sharma; Pt. Thakoor Sharma and Pt. Loknath Gajadhar Sukul.

These are the first photos of the Ramayan in the Park.

1. Early devotees 2. Beautiful "Bedi"

3. Pt. P. Parsram and another Pandit 4. Colorful "Singhasan"

5. Front view of the mandir

Friday, August 21, 2009

GOPIO Convention 2009 at Crown Plaza Hotel

Mr. Inder Singh, President of GOPIO and Mr. Ashook Ramsaran, Secretary of GOPIO. I needed to turn off the FLASH on the camera and I couldn't figure it out. I asked for help.

Two gentlemen at the convention ....

Mr. Yesu Persaud (sitting) chaired this session. This gentleman talking, showed us a short documentary on "aborting the girl child." It is a very sensitive and informative yet crucial issue that needs to be tackled in India. Kudos to him and his good team for bringing awareness of this important issue to the world. I hope he succeeds.
Do you know this person?

Images of GOPIO Convention Aug 21st 2009

Former US Ambassador to India .... making his presentation...
He is a good photographer. Here he is when he is not taking out photos, aha!!!

This is the hard working team, doing the registration, with Dr. Thomas. Mr. Jaswant (sitting left) did the bulk of the work... a good gentleman he is.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Images of GOPIO Convention 2009

Beautiful view from World's Fair Marina ...

Myself, posing .....
Lord Rana from London, addressing the crowd ...
A nice gentleman from London ...

GOPIO Convention 2009 - History Making

I'm a committee member for the GOPIO Convention 2009 - (Aug 20 - 23rd) helping around with registration. I had to go to the World's Fair Marina. Did a mapquest, then asked my brother all the way from Florida for direction. Didn't follow the direction, went wrong, came around and got back on the Van Wyck Exp - North.

This time around, I steadfastly followed the direction to La Guardia, exit out at Exit 7. Gone too far. Double checked direction with a Pandit at a gas station. Made a U - turn. Came back on expressway towards South, exit out 25A East, got on Northern Blvd, followed the sign of the World's Fair Marian and finally, I arrived! I was the first to get there!!!
It felt good meeting, talking and networking with Indians from all over the world, folks who are professionals in their individual fields and very intelligent. One can feel the dynamism and vibrancy of our rich culture and heritage in the hall.
I met Mr. Yesu Persaud for the first time. He is part of Project History - the documentary. And I'll set up a time to film him.
Then, there was Indian Karaoke singing by Raj and his friend. They rocked the audience with their Indian oldies. Keep it up guys!
And, there was my Australian (he came from Sydney) friend who somehow didn't feel the great ambience of New York City - the financial center of the world!
I captured moments of the event in still images:
Mr. Ashook Ramsaran, General Secretary of GOPIO International, addresssing the gathering ...
Mr. Yesu Persaud, from Guyana, addressing the gathering .....
Dr. Jagat Motwani and a very nice gentleman who came all the way from India ...
Mr. Jaswant organizing ribbon badges ....
Myself, helping Mr. Jaswant ...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Editing Promotional Video

I'm in the process of making a promotional cut of "FootPaths of Our Indentured Ancestors" for screening and fund-raising purposes.

Pics of shots of the interviewees as they were talking about the hardship and inhuman living and working conditions on the sugar plantations across British Guiana during indenturedship.

When the promotional video is completed, I think I'll download it here, so that folks here could take a look at the work we're doing.

Do you recognize anyone in these clippings?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Car-Jacking in Queens - Not making a Documentary

Look at the wire, working its way .... The gentleman working, with me chilling ...
My friend and the gentleman working ....
Gentleman working his magic ....

It's all in a day's shopping ... Not making the documentary. My friend and I went around Queens shopping under somewhat of a stressful situation. On a stop on 121st Street, Richmond Hill, she forgot the keys in the car. We were locked out of the car! What do we do?
New Yorkers are pretty helpful people. So, we asked this nice gentleman to help us out. Said he needed a hanger or wire. I went to a store on Liberty and aksed a salesman to buy a hanger, explained the reason and he said he'll get me some wire. He did. Thanks a bunch, Buddy!

Came back and this kind gentleman and another worked towards opening the car door... More like car-jacking my friend's car!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Operating HD camera

I am working/trying to train another youngman, Vishal, to operate the HD camera. I've a few more folks I would like to film before the year is over. For this summer, I decided to work with a few more young people on this project.

Vishall and I were working towards lighting up the set and powering the camera. Boy! Oh! Boy! We did so poorly. We saw the "Power" sign, and turned and turned the button and nothing is coming on. To make matter worst, the battery was not charged, so we had to use the battery which is connected directly to the power outlet. Then, Vishal used his sixth sense and took out the battery and slid it back in. Low and Behold! The camera was on. Then, our troubles just started.

Anyways, I decided that we've a way to go before we actually start filming. We've to know the basic of operating this camera.

Pandit Daan from Bloomfield and myself

Sunday Filming in New Jersey

Robby and I (correcting myself) were in Bloomfield, New Jersey, filming a 95-years-old gentleman, Pandit Daan. His correct name is Pandit Jagnandan Sharma. Originally, he migrated from Bloomfield, Berbice, Guyana. He is such a phenomenal human being, rich in character and spirit. He lived such a good, fulfilling life. He is a very spiritual person and believe in the concept of "Sharing & Giving." You cannot not be but greatly inspired by good souls as Pandit Daan. WE need more people like him.

Anyways, I asked him if he thinks it was fate or coincidence that in Guyana he lived in a place called Bloomfield and upon migrating to the US, he came to live in a place called Bloomfield, as well. He said it's coincidence. I'm leaning towards fate. But then, I could be such a controversial figure at times.

Bye for now.