Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nauratri Celebrations at Sanatan Dharma Mandir in NYC - September 2009

Hindus across the globe observed the Nauratri celebrations from September 19-27. Nauratri is nine nights of fasting and prayers dedicated to the worship of the Feminine aspect of God - called the Shakti or Durga Devi.

The first three nights were observed in honor of Durga Devi or Goddess Kali. The real meaning behind the first nights of observances was to help us to get rid of our impurities or Tamasic qualities.

The second three nights were dedicated to Latchmi Devi. Here, we were supposed to be at the mid-point level of our spiritual progress where the Rajasic qualities are evident.

The last three nights were dedicated to Saraswathi Devi. At this stage, our minds would have reached a very calm state and be ready to absorb spiritual knowledge.

Each Nauratri, the devotee's spiritual consciousness should reach a higher level - closer to God.

I enjoyed Nauratri Celebrations for this autumn season. My friend, Jenny and I attended the Sanatan Dharma Mandir every night. Like many devotees, we kept a strict fast.

On Saturday night, we observed the Kanya Puja - worshiping of nine little girls. Below are some photos of the celebrations.

Four of the Kanya Devi at the ceremony,

Folks at the mandir ...
Pandit Yoga Ramnarain reading from Durga Saptashati .... the scripture dedicated to Durga Maa.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Shooting of the Eid celebrations at Haji Zakir's mosque

My team and I went to shoot the Eid celebrations at Imam Haji Zakir's mosque in Queens, bright and early Sunday morning - 9/20. The program started at 08:00 AM. We were supposed to be there before 8 AM or a little after. But, we arrived there late!

Nevertheless, we did some filming of the rest of the prayers and was able to get a couple spoke of the importance of Ramadan. It was informative.

We've another appointment to film Imam Haji Zakir coming week-end. Looking forward to that shoot. Dr. Tara Singh was influencial in brokering that meet. Thanks, Doctor.

On another side, Vishal, one of the assistants, went to his first shoot with us. I must say that it looked like he helped around, though from the stills I took, it was evident that Robby was working hard at his craft. When asked what he thought of his first shoot, all Vishall could muster was, "It was interesting." So much enthusiasm!!!

Enjoy some photos of the morning's take...

Imam Haji Zakir extending Eid greetings to a brother.

Vishall (in red cap) chilling, while Robby (brown jacket in foreground) was filming ...

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Dip in the Far Rockaway Beach!

It was a beautiful day in New York City! Did you notice? Of course, you did.

Anyways, devotees of the Sanatan Dharma Mandir of New York went to the Far Rockaway Beach to perform Pitri Puja. Pandit Yoga Ramnarain presided over the ceremony.

Pitri Puja is an important Puja that is misunderstood by many Hindus and non-Hindus. It is an important Puja that has to be performed for the well-being of society.

And, I took a dip in the Ganga for the first time since I have been living in this country! It was awesome! The sun was brilliant, so the water warmed up some. The water was clear and very salty. I plunged at the waves ... but ... I got to tell you, some of the waves were very demanding ... they knocked the breath out of me and then, drew me down in the water ... backwards!

Below some photos of folks at the beach.

Beautiful water, clear sky, enticing...

Devotee making offerings at the altar.

Pandit Yoga and Gita (right) and devotees making offerings

Me staring at the lense ... and scaring away the cocoos

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Read the book: "A Tapestry of Life" !!!

The Guyana Writers' Association of New York organized a book reading and signing presentation for Guaynese-Canadian author, Mr. Khalleel Mohamed. He read from his books: "A Tapestry of Life" and "Terror Island."

The event was held at the Faith Assembly Building on 101st Avenue, and was well attended by several Guyanese scholars and book-lovers. Dr. Gary Girdhari, publisher of Guyana Journal, warmly introduced Mr. Mohammed. He reminisced about the good old days when the author and himself were youngsters in Guyana.

During his trip down memory lane, he talked about the author's signature "tall, lanky and swaggering" walks back then. His poignant description of Mr. Mohamed brought a tinge of nostalgia in almost all present at the book presentation.

Mr. Mohamed took the poduim and started talking some more about himself and what inspired him to write. It was evident that the soft-spoken author was very touched by Dr. Girdhari's kind words. Mr. Mohamed grew up reading stories from the Bible at Sunday schools. These great Biblical stories helped shape his imagination and creative mind at a tender age. He said that "A Tapestry of Life" is a dedication to all those folks who inspired him. Such a nice gesture on his part.

"A Tapestry of Life" is a fictional work that borders on historical happenings that occurred in the West Indies at varying times. The book nicely intertwines peoples' lives and experiences from several of the Caribbean countries and brings them together. Whether it's the village spiritual healer, or the brazen singer at the road corner or the bashful Mr. Brown from Jamaica (not Queens, mind you, but the West Indies), "A Tapestry of Life" is a must read.

And as Mrs. Alma Girdhari noted, once she picked up the book to read, she could not put it down. She had to finish it at one go.

So, folks please read this book and pass it on to your children. It is a worthwhile book from one of your own.

1. Mr. Mohamed answers questions 2.Mrs. Alma Girdhari

3. A section of the crowd 4.Dr. Ramnarine, myself and Dr. Girdhari

Book signing in Richmond Hill: "A Tapestry of Life" By Mr. Khalleel Mohamed

More pictures of the booking reading and signing event for Guyanese-Canadian author, Mr. Khalleel Mohamed

Dr. Gary Girdhari of Guyana Journal introducing Mr. Mohamed ...
Mr. Mohamed siging a copy of "A Tapestry of Life" for me...
Dr. Tyran Ramnarine (blue shirt) in the audience...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Making of the Pinda for the Departed Ancestors' souls

At this Sunday morning's Satsangh, the talk was about how to observe Pitri Paksh in the correct manner. Pitri Paksh is a period of time where prayers are dedicated to our departed ancestors' souls.

One has to keep up this period properly; it is like when we fast for our festivities. One must keep away from certain types of food and drinks, etc. Pitri Paksh is a period of sacrifice.

Those of you who want to observe this period, all you need is to offer water with black teel and honey to the departed souls. You must face the Southern direction, cup your hands and allow the offering to fall through your thumb and index finger.

Then, you can make the Pinda which is offered for the departed souls. The Pinda consists of Rice, Milk, Ghee, Honey and Black Teel. Boil the rice with the milk, add honey and ghee. Boil until you could round it. Sprinkle the Black Teel (Photos below) after you're done with the rounding. It is almost like cooking sweet rice.

Offer the Water and Teel first (face the Sourthen direction - this is very important). The mantra you use are:
1. Om Devatas Tripyamtam
2. Om Rishis Tripyamtam
3. Om Munis Tripyamtam
4. Om Sarva Jiva Tripyamtam
5. Om Pitraya Tripyamtam
6. Om Pita (name) Pitraya Tripyamtam (if father passed on)
7. Om Mata (name) Pitraya Tripyamtam (if mother passed on)

Ignorance is a serious disease that we must make all attempts to eradicate from our midst. I remember growing up in Guyana, the older folks will tell you all sorts of stories about Pitri Paksh that scare the living daylights out of you. Most of the times though, these stories are not true and misleading.

The Pindas

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Funny Turns in Life Happen at the Oddest Moments

Life has a funny way of playing out itself sometimes, that oftentime, left you thinking, "How could this have happened?"

My cousin, Stanley Raj, is a community advocate (even if he doesn't want to openly admit it). He is involved in a bunch of community activities that are meant to make things better for the folks in the Richmond Hill area. He invites me to a number of these events and then introduced me to his colleagues and friends. Very nice of him.

He introduced me to Gurpal and Sharon, two young passionate lawyers who are working tirelessly towards the upliftment of the people in the community. They and others are heading the Richmond Hill Census 2010 - a very challenging task indeed. The goal is to get everyone in Richmond Hill to register in the Census and be counted, so that folks here could be alloted federal grants they deserve to enhance their quality of life.

The funny thing is that both Gurpal and Sharon are my next door neighbors and we were not aware of it. They have never seen me in the street nor I of them. We learnt that we are neighbors at my cousin's Bar-B-Que. Isn't this a weirdly funny story? And, who dare say that life is boring in Richmond Hill?
Census 2010 meeting Sharon and Gurpal (front)

Stanley Raj and others
(Pics courtesy Gurpal Picasa web)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Pitri Paksh - 9/5/09 - 9/18/09

Hindus globally will be observing the period of Pitri Paksh from 9/5/09 to 9/18/09. In the Hindu calender, this period is set aside to offer prayers and charity in the name of our Pitris (Ancestors). We offer prayers on behalf of our ancestors' souls. We donate charity in their names.

In Hinduism, we believe that the soul (Jiva Atma) is eternal and all-pervading. It is a spark of the God we worship. The soul never dies. As Lord Krishna states in Bhagavad Gita: "No weapon can cut It, no fire can burn It, no wind can dry It, no water can drench It." (Ch 2; V3).

Great blessing is derived from observing Pitri Paksh. I urge all my Hindu sisters and brothers to offer prayers in their Ancestors' names.

Below are some very old photos of some of our ancestors who came to British Guiana. May God bless their souls.

Family pose ...

Ancestors cutting cane ...

Ancestors eating ...

Ancestors waiting in line ...

Beautiful Indian girl all decked out...

(Photos taken from Guyanaundersiege.com and other websites).

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Interview with Swami NirliptanandaJi

I visited the American Seva Ashram, located in Jamaica, Queens and met Swami NirliptanandaJi, who was visiting from England. SwamiJi had just concluded 3 sessions of Bhagavat Gita Yajna at the Prem Bhakti Mandir in Jamaica.

SwamiJi is Guyanese by birth, but has been living in England for many, many years. I've great respect and admiration for anyone who decided to walk the path of spirituality. By talking to SwamiJi, I could feel the great love and devotion he has for his Creator.
SwamiJi is an extremely Godly person, and so very humble. He has done a great deal for the upliftment of his fellow man.
SwamiJi has done an excellent job to help Hindus in England have a voice. And, he continues to work tirelessly, effortlessly and dedicatedly to uplift his sisters and brothers. SwamiJi has sucessfully started the OM DAY and the OM GAYATRI YAJNA celebration in England and is working to have these two celebrations done on a global basis. Both these events are very great success stories and should be patterned in countries where Hindus are.
Keep up the great work SwamiJi and Gob bless you abundantly.
SwamiJi was making an important point ..