Friday, September 17, 2010


Members of the Sanatan Dharma Mandir of New York presents its 5th Dinner & Culural presentation - 2010 on Sunday 12th September at the popular Fairfield Pavilion in Richmond Hill, Queens. Funds were raised for the buying of a new property to house the mandir in Richmond Hill, which has the largest concentration of Guyanese in the USA.

Despite the inclement weather condition, the spacious hall was packed to capacity, a tangible testimony that the folks in the community really enjoy the dinner and cultural show put out by the Sanatan Dharma Mandir.

The cultural show was very well coordinated with a sprinkle of oldies, sizzling dances, a skit and a first-timer item of a sari show. The sari show seemed to be one of the most favorite items on the program enjoyed by the lively audience. The young ladies from the mandir, ranging from age 8-years-old to teenagers, did a fabulous job, displaying their lovely saris.

The very talented singers and musicians thrilled the crowd with their songs; the snack and food were all delicious and were ravished by the audience. Everybody had a good old time.

Below some snapshots of the kids doing their thing in the evening.

A group song by the children of the mandir.

Parveen beautifully displaying her 'peach color' sari.

Divya displays a beautiful smile and pretty pink sari.

Little Pooja dazzling the crowd with her orange sari.

Savitrie is really ejoying displaying her lovely blue sari.
Alexa confidently walks the cat-walk with her pretty rose pink sari.

This young model excellently executing a striking pose with her pretty sari.

All the models stike a group pose after show.

A group dance in color costumes.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Hindus globally observed Shri Krishna Janam Ashtmi 2010 for two days in grand style and with the degree of spirituality that the celebration embodies. On Wednesday 1st September, those devotees who are Smaartans celebrated Shri Krishna Janam Ashtmi and on Thursday 2nd September, devotees who are Vaishnavs celebrated Janam Ashtmi.

The Smaartans are devotees who worship God in many manifestations, for instance, in the forms of Lord Krishna, Shri Ram, Durga Devi, Lord Shiva and so on. Those devotees who are Vaishnavs worship the Lord in the for of Lord Vishnu alone. Either way, all devotees were engaged in intense prayers, fasting and pujas to one God.

Janam Ashtmi is the celebration of the appearance of the Supreme Being in the form of Lord Krishna on earth. It is observed on the 8th day (Ashtmi) of the second forthnight of the month of Sravana which corresponds to the month of Bhadrapada Krishnapaksha (August-September).

Shri Bal Krishna is the Eight Avatar of Lord Vishnu. He made His appearance at mid-night on a dark, very stormy night to royal parents Devaki and Vasudeva who were chained and locked up in a highly guarded prison cell by the evil King Kansa in Mathura. Soon after, Lord Krishna
instructed His father Vasudeva to carry Him across the Yamuna River to the house of Nand Baba and Yashoda in Gokula. They also had a new born baby. Vasudeva exchanged the babies and brought the girl baby from the Nand Baba household back to the prison cell.

Shri Krishna's arrival heralded the permanent end of the evil Kansa - His maternal uncle. The Lord's sole purpose on earth was to eradicate evil and establish a kingdom of righteousness for all mankind.

Like all the avatars of Lord Vishnu, Shri Krishna's manifestation is a very special. Lord Krishna starts performing His duty from the Little Baby form, Bal Krishna. When the atrocious King Kansa learnt that his enemy was born and well in Gokula, he sent the evil demoness Putna, to kill Him. Putna nursed the babies and in the process because of her illusive power, she was able to change her milk to poison. When the babies drink from it, of course, they die. Eventually, she arrived at Nanda Baba and Yashoda's house. She went in secretly and started nursing Bal Krishna. Little Baby Krishna nursed from her and killed her.

Anyways, there will be no end if one starts relating all the leelas (stories) of Shri Krishna.

But, at the Sanatan Dharma Mandir of New York, in Richmond Hill, Pandit Yoga Ramnarain did an excellent job of performing the 'Abhishek' puja of Bal Krishna. The obervation of the festival was done outside in the yard, which was beautifully decorated and transformed into the household of Nand Baba and Yashoda Maiya, who when they woke up the next morning and learnt that they were blessed with a boy baby, went absolutely crazy with love and devotion. And to find that their son was so celestially beautiful, with big brown eyes intently staring at back at them. Their hearts just melted with happiness and joy. Such was the ambience of the celebration on Wednesday night at the mandir yard.

There is something magical and divine about performing pujas under the night's sky and especially, if it is Janam Ashtmi Puja being performed under the dark, blue sky, sprinkled with tiny stars from high up and afar. And to have a extremely knowledgeable, sincere and devoted spiritual leader like Pandit Yoga, who pores his entire being when he is engaged in worship, it creates a soulfully blissful atmosphere which is very difficult to transform back to the earthly plane.

Janam Ashtmi celebration was a marvelous night at the Sanatan Dharma Mandir and everyone enjoyed the festivities and partook in the observation.

A very happy Janam Ashtmi 2010 to all Hindus and may Lord Krishna work within us to help eradicate the negative qualities within us.

Below are some beautiful pictures of Bal Krishna gathered on-line.

Bal Krishna seen licking dahi from His fingers

Bal Krishna blissfully sits in Yashoda Maiya's arms.

"Abhishek" being performed on Bal Krishna at Nand Baba's household.

The Lord was loving known as the "makhanchor" - the dahi thief. He loves dahi!

Shri Krishna instructing Arjuna at the battlefield of Kurushetra, the Bhagavad Gita - the song of life.