Friday, August 1, 2014


Pujya Guruji entering the Ganesha Temple auditorium
It was three days of blissful living in super blissful company, being in spiritual communion with such a great spiritual personality whose name itself means “Master of Bliss,” as he retold the story about his visit to a classroom full of kids, mostly American, during one of his trips to the US. How does a Swami break the barrier to a group of youngsters even before he begin his talk? They were already particularly curious about his strange mode of orange-color dressing.
He took chalk and simply wrote down “TEJOMAYANANDA” on the chalkboard. He informed them that that is his name.
“Do you know what it means?” he asked with a disarming smile.
Pujya Guruji giving his blessings
“No!” was the resounding answer, as pairs of eyes stared at the board, more puzzle than ever.
There, the barrier was almost broken. Then, this great teacher explained to them that TEJOMAYANANDA means “MASTER OF BLISS.”
They all started laughing, relieved at hearing familiar English words and Pujya Guruji, as he is lovingly addressed by devotees from the Mission, also heaved a sigh of relief. Not a bad start. In fact, the talk went so well that Swamiji received Thank You notes from the kids and what do you know, they politely addressed him as: “Dear Master of Bliss.” Nice touch, indeed.

Swami Tejomayanandaji, Global Head of the Chinmaya Mission Worldwide, just concluded a 3-days visit to the New York chapter, holding several discourses on how people can find happiness amidst this sometimes topsy-turvy world.
Pujya Guruji gave us many tips on how to find this elusive happiness, but first, he informed us that we must be serious about finding it. Serious?

Pujya Guruji with Dr. Jatin Kapadia, Dr. Lakshmi Kapadia & Ammaji
Yes! Because, “Happiness is not a state of mind,” he corrected another misconception we have about happiness.  
“You’re that happiness. If you want to be happy all the time, know ‘Thyself’,” Swamiji stated matter-of-factly.

“You’re that bliss,” he added for emphasis, referring to the Sat-Chit-Anand (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) Vedantic formulae that the rishis of yore have tried and tested successfully from time immemorial.
He advised us that happiness cannot be found in any material things, or anything external for that matter, even in another human being. We must learn to be happy with oneself and we must learn to see that Oneness in everything else both outside and inside. That is the true source of lasting happiness.

Pujya Guruji’s talks were sprinkled with many light moments, moments which generated much laughter from the gathering, but which were also laced with deep moral and spiritual purports. Like the story he read somewhere about happiness:
If you want happiness for one day, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a week, go fishing, or do some sport you like.If you want happiness for a month, get married.
If you want happiness for a year, win the lottery.If you want happiness for eternity, know ‘Thyself’.
“Know Thyself!” We take a bow at that.

Some snapshots of the event.

Pujya Guruji during Biksha
Pujya Guruji, Swami Shantanandaji & Swami Siddhanandaji


Pujya Guruji with Shri George
Pujya Guruji with Swamini Akhilanandaji, Tejoji & Bal Vihar student

Group singing kirtan