Sunday, October 18, 2009


Diwali 2009 - The Festival of Lights - was a joyous observation for devotees at the Sanatan Dharma Mandir of NYC. Despite the inclement weather, the turn out at the mandir was good. The greatest blessing was having Pandit Yoganand Ramnarain performing Latchmi Devi Puja in the most elaborate manner - the sixteen folds of worship that is required of the devotee.

Diwali or Deepavali consists of 5 days of celebration: 2 days before Diwali, Diwali Day and 2 days after Diwali.

The first 2 days before Diwali, 2 diyas (earthen lamps filled with ghee and a cotton wick) are lit, one is placed at the Altar and the next is placed at the right side of the door, coming in from outside [sound confusing?]. Repeat the same process for the day before Diwali. Of course, devotees need to perform prayers as well.

On Diwali Day, elaborate worship is performed onto Maha Latchmi Mata, the Sacred Havan is conducted and many diyas are lit.

The day after Diwali the Goverdhan Puja is performed, which is Puja for Lord Krishna and that last day is called Bhai Dwuj (may have the wrong spelling) - a celebration for sisters and brothers.

Oh! How did forget to mention the cooking of sweets, sweets and more sweets: sweet rice (kher), laddu, mahamboge, vermicelli, gulgolla, halwa, puri, and more.

And the treat was having Pandit Yoga performing in-depth Puja onto Maha Latchmi. It was amazing. Like the other devotees, I really enjoyed the entire Puja, "charhawaying" prasadam and performing the sacred Aarti.

The celebration of Diwali has many significances. It is a celebration that helps us re-kindles the spirit of sharing, giving, goodwill, brotherhood and cleanliness and generally, it is a time when Dharma triumphs over Adharma.

The main spiritual purpose of Deepavali is to light the eternal lamps within each of us and never let it go out because that divine light within helps us to see the God in everyone and everything else. Seeing God in all, even in those considered to be the enemy, is not an easy process. It calls for intense spiritual training of the mind and senses. Celebrating festivals like Diwali helps us train our mind to become more Godly.

May Mother Latchmi enter the hearts of all and never leave.

Here are some photos of Diwali celebration at the Sanatan Dharma Mandir...

Mother Latchmi and Ganapati Baba beautifull decorated with flowers and prasadam..

Pandit Yoga reading about the greatness of Mother Latchmi.

Section of the gathering...

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