Friday, February 26, 2010


The New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir Humanitarian Mission, headed by the altruistic Pandit Suresh Sugrim, has been engaged in some unbelievably great charity works in Guyana and the United States.

They say that a great leader can inspire and motivate his/her people to great heights and lead them in the correct path in life. The priceless charitable activities that this Humanitarian Mission has engaged in and accomplished thus far and still aims to do are tangible testimony of the dynamic leadership of its leader - Pandit Sugrim.

I've never met someone who is so very passionate and determined about tackling some of the worst vices that afflict our society in Guyana and here than Pandit Suresh. This gentleman lives, breaths and works most dilligently, tirelessly, selflessly and effortlessly to improve the lives of our sick, down-trodden and poverty-strickened sisters and brothers and their children across the length and breath of Guyana. This is Pandit Suresh's sacred religion; this is his Dharma. His entire being, from the very depth of his soul, is consumed and deeply concerned with helping and speaking for the helpless and their children.

Years ago at Tain Hindu Mandir in Berbice, during the Indian Arrival Day celebrations, the Indian High Commissioner to Guyana at that time summed up the essence of the Mahabharata as: "Humanity is the highest of religions."

It is safe to say that Pandit Suresh is truly practicing the teachings of the Mahabharat. He honestly and whole-heartedly stronly embraced "humanity as the highest of religions" philosophy, it does not matter what is the race, creed, ethnicity, religion, sex or age of the individuals. The bottom line is their dire, poor living conditions. This is his calling and he has channelled his energy, time and effort into this cause. Marvelous and admirable indeed. Great work, Pandit Suresh.

As a matter of fact, this should be all our causes. As fortunate ones, we have a duty and responsibility to give selflessly in whatever little ways we can to improve the lives of our less fortunate sisters and brothers. But, how many of us are doing that? How many of us take a minute to think, you know, instead of spending the money at the clubs or buying alcoholic beverages or other items that give you more diseases in the end anyways, let me donate a dollar or two to a charitable organization that will help feed a hungry child, give medicine to the sick or send a poor kid to school?

At some point in time, we need to get serious about life and the purpose of life. This is the time to start getting serious. Charity is an integral part of all major religions of the world. Remember, we cannot see the Creator with our naked eyes, but we see the creation in front of us. And as the great Mother Teresa once said, by serving the sick, poor and down-trodden, one is directly serving God.

The Pandit Suresh Humanitarian Mission is a great way to start giving your donation without any fear at all. Rest assured that your donation in whatever way, will go directly towards the needy and sick. You can choose how you desire your money to be spent. You can choose from among three categories: Education, Housing or Medical help. Each penny or dollar you donate will reach its target 100 percent.

This NJ Humanitarian Mission is a great charity to get involved in. Let me stress that it is absolutely corruption-free and is headed by some of the most sincere, honest, hard-working and genuinely real people you can ever meet. I can attest to this.

Now, you can donate money and used but decent clothing for the folks back home. Pandit Suresh is not asking for alot, just start with a $1.00 each each; if 1,000 of us donate $1.00 each, that tallies to a $1,000.00. Isn't that great? Do you know how much help that could be to the needy back home? And the bonus is, you can tell Pandit Suresh how you want your money to be spent, and he'll oblige.

Please spread the word around to your family and friends about the extremely great cahritable work of the New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir,Inc. Humanitarian Mission. Let us get involve and help to alleviate poverty and help the sick folks in our motherland - Guyana. They need our help. There can be nothing more satisfying and rewarding in life than to help the less fortunate ones. That is the highest of religions.

If you would like to talk to Pandit Suresh or set up a meeting with him to discuss the work, he can be reached at: (973) 868-6163 or email him:

More information is below:
New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir, Inc., Humanitarian Mission
A Tax Exempt, Non Profit, Religious, Cultural and Charitable Organization
Reply to: P.O. Box 5119 - 191- 193 Woodlawn Avenue - Jersey City, NJ 07305
Phone: 201-938-0220 Fax: 973-680-1593 -

Below are some photos of the Humanitarian Mission activities in Guyana.

Children receiving uniform vouchers of GYD$3,000.00 each ... our leaders of tomorrow.

A walk to stop domestic violence in Guyana, another critical issue that needs to be addressed..

Dr. Sugrim (brother of Pandit Suresh) hands over a wheelchair to a patient.

A new house built for a deserving couple in Canje, East Berbice. Beautiful dream come through.

Used clothing being distributed to folks in need in Guyana ...


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