Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Summer 2010 is upon us with all its glories and heat waves. Summer time in Richmond Hill, Queens, means many things for many people. The kids are out of school; families are vacationing or stacationing here and there; there those Guyana Day's get-togethers at the Flushing and the Cunningham Parks; there is the cousin's sweet 16 party to attend and many more social activities to keep us busy.

Another very critical activity that needs to be taken seriously by parents is the Summer Youth Camps organized by mandirs in the community. Believe it or not, there're over 50 mandirs in the Queens area. If the good folks at these mandirs can take on the responsibility to plan a one-week summer youth camp for the youngsters in the community, year after year, camping will become an integral part in the lives of Hindu kids. This would be a great service to society as a whole for many reasons.

I strongly believe in the importance of education. A good education takes you to many places in life; it helps you get better paying jobs, buys you all the man-made comforts and luxuries that were supposed to make you happy in life; it could even give you job satisfaction if you like your work and many other perks that come with high paying jobs. But, these are all material things and by now, we all know for a fact that neither money nor wealth can buy happiness - the goal of life.

The question then begs to ask itself: Where can I find happiness? And again three additional questions come to the mind:

1. Who am I?
2. From where have I come?
3. Where am I going?

To find the true answers to these questions, you must find yourself in the company of saints and sages, satsanghs and other holy people. These learnt, enlightened souls will tell you that, and I'll quote the greatest of all saints, Veda Vyasa, who composed and simplified the thousands of Hindu Scriptures into a simple sentence: "Brahma is real, this world is unreal, the Atman is real."

Brahma is the Absolute Consciousness that upholds this universe together and the Atman is the Soul or the Absolute Consciousness present within us.

Why am I mentioning all of this? Because Hindu Youth Camps should be recognized as powerful mediums that transmit scriptural knowledge to the youngsters so that they would understand the true purpose of life from a young age. Hindu Youth Camps can be catalysts for positive change in our society and mediums that can help groom the youths into becoming more balanced, well-informed and knowledgeable individuals.

A combination of formal education with scriptural knowledge can produce dynamic individuals. But, it is of paramount importance that parents make that effort to send their children to these youth camps.

The management of the Sanatan Dharma Mandir of New York must be complimented for organizing such a one-week youth camp from July 12-17 for the kids in the area. The program was a packed one that include many different activities. Very importantly, they were taught the Sacred Havan, how to perform Surya Namaskar, Sacred Mantras, the different Hindu scriptures and philosophies, Music, Yoga, Meditation and Karate. They listened to influencial guest speakers from different walks of life on topics ranging from their identity, income and expenditure and their ancestral roots. Speakers included, Mr. Ashook Ramsaran, Mr. Joe Ragnauth, Ms. Elizabeth Luckhoo, and others.

They were fortunate to have Acharya Krishna Moorty from the Chinmaya Mission who spent two days with them; one day having an open discussion with him about some of the things they learnt at the camp and showing them around at the Ganesha Temple in Flushing. The Swamiji preformed Puja for them as well. Dr. Jatin Kapadia, also from the Mission, did a great presentation on the meaning of Karma and how it affects our lives.

And the Camp Coordinator Mr. Doodnauth Dasrat did a fabulous job, along with all the very hard working women and men who were at the camp every day making sure the kids were well fed and taken care of.

Some photos of kids being intructed on a few karate moves.

Sean, Karate teacher, teaching karate

These little ones are sweating it out

Can they be more enthusiastic

Hi-Ya Ho! Kong Fu!

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