Thursday, December 31, 2009



The year 2010 is just hours away. Soon, it'll be 1/1/10. Looks great, doesn't it? Makes you think, though, how time flies by. And the question begs to be asked, "What have you achieved in 2009?"

Often time, we live our lives with our eyes set on the larger goals, that we forget about the little things that truely matters to us and those around us. Many of us live our lives in a "don-ke-dam" fashion, if I may use creole here; we don't care if "today fall fah tomorrow." Once everything is alright with us, we don't care what happens outside of our home, our fence. But, is that really how life should be lived? Should we only be concerned for ourselves and our family's well-being?

I beg to differ. I strongly believe that life is meant to serve others, in essence, to selflessly serve God's creation in whatever way we possibly can. You see, service to humanity is service to God. This is an extraordinarily great philosophy that has been truely tested and tried over time by many ordinary people who eventually became great human beings.

As the New Year is fast approaching, let's take a moment to engage in some self-introspect analysis - look into the very core of our souls. Do we like what we see there? Are we proud of ourselves as human beings?

Still, with New Year comes new resolutions. One good goal to go after would be to count to ten each time we're on the verge of getting angry. That little action can safe us a lot of troubles later on.

So, here's a wish for a Peaceful, Healthy, Prosperous and Happy New Year - 2010 to all! And, whatever you may concieve God to be, please allow Him to be part of your life.

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