Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I received an email from a name I didn't recognized sometime last week. I opened it up and lo and behold! Someone from the President of GOPIO International, Lord Diljit Rana's office, sent me a letter, thanking me for taking leadership role as the Co-chair of the Media Council for GOPIO Intermational. Was I surprised? Of course!

I've been avoiding taking any titles in the GOPIO organization or any other organization for that matter. I just like to help people wherever I can help. I don't need a title or position to help around, plus my ego keeps me super busy trying to suppress it's ugly head as it were.

Anyways, I had an idea who may have been behind this turn of event. I asked him and my hunch was correct! Mr. Ashook Ramsaran - he is always encourging me and telling me to take on more leadership roles in GOPIO. Well, thank you, Sir. Seems like I have no choice now.

Well, GOPIO International is a good organization to get involve in. The body of people who makes up GOPIO International and all the many chapters around the globe are great people who sincerely wants to make a difference in the communities they live. They come from different walks of life and are involve in different fields of study. Great work folks, keep it up!

I want to stress that our life does not end with our immediate family alone. We've a greater responsibility to be concerned about the society we live in. We should make an effort to make a contribution to improve the standard of life around us. It's call making a difference. As the Mahatma said, "Let's be the change we want to see in the world."

So, I've decided to use this new position to reach out to deserving young people and those folks who are really making that difference in other people's life. I would like to know about those good people so that I could highlight their good work and possible network with them to get more like-minded people involve. It's networking at a whole new level. If anyone out there knows someone who is deserving, please send me a email.

My thanks to Mr. Ashook and Lord Rana for choosing me. I hope I would live up to their great expectations.

Learn more about GOPIO at: www.gopio.net

A photo of Lord Rana (middle), Dr Renu (GOPIO-Washington) & yours truly.

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