Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Operating HD camera

I am working/trying to train another youngman, Vishal, to operate the HD camera. I've a few more folks I would like to film before the year is over. For this summer, I decided to work with a few more young people on this project.

Vishall and I were working towards lighting up the set and powering the camera. Boy! Oh! Boy! We did so poorly. We saw the "Power" sign, and turned and turned the button and nothing is coming on. To make matter worst, the battery was not charged, so we had to use the battery which is connected directly to the power outlet. Then, Vishal used his sixth sense and took out the battery and slid it back in. Low and Behold! The camera was on. Then, our troubles just started.

Anyways, I decided that we've a way to go before we actually start filming. We've to know the basic of operating this camera.

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