Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ramayan in the Park in Richmond Hill, Queens

The Federation of Hindu Mandirs (USA) Inc., has sponsored 7 sessions of discourses from the Ramcharitamanas, at 133rd Street & Liberty Avenue (Arya Spiritual Center Ground), Richmond Hill, Queeens. It's near Sybil's Bakery quarters.

It Starts: Sunday Aug 23rd 2009 @ 6 PM
It Ends: Sunday Aug 30th 2009 @ 6 PM

This Ramayan Discourse in open to the general public. Please pass on this invitation to your family and friends. Yajna or Spiritual discourses from the Ramayan is part of our rich heritage brought and passed on to us by our brave ancestors. Please show your support by attending each sessions. Make use to of this spiritual journey to help cleanse the wandering mind.

A huge tent is erected and chairs are organized for devotees to sit on (about 400 chairs - according to Dr. Dhanpaul Narine). So you avoid the hard ground.

Different outstanding pandits from the community will be leading the discourses from the Ramayan. They are:

Pt. Chunelall Narine; Pt. Mahendra Doobay; Pt. Shyam Basdeo; Pt. Rishi Ram Persaud; Pt. Rabindranath Sharma; Pt. Thakoor Sharma and Pt. Loknath Gajadhar Sukul.

These are the first photos of the Ramayan in the Park.

1. Early devotees 2. Beautiful "Bedi"

3. Pt. P. Parsram and another Pandit 4. Colorful "Singhasan"

5. Front view of the mandir

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